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what love is about......

For all you people who say "I love you"
when you have no clue what love is
exactly!!! something to ponder

Are your palms sweaty, is your heart
racing and is your voice caught within
your chest??
It isn't love, it's like.

You can't keep your eyes or hands off
of them, am I right??
It isn't love, it's lust.

Are you proud, and eager to show them
It isn't love, it's luck.

Do you want them because you know
they're there??
It isn't love, it's loneliness.

Are you there because it's what
everyone wants??
It isn't love, it's loyalty.

Are you there because they kissed you,
or held your hand??
It isn't love, it's low confidence.

Do you stay for their confessions of
love, because you don't want to hurt
It isn't love, it's pity.

Do you belong to them because their
sight makes your heart skip a beat??
It isn't love, its infatuation.

Do you pardon their faults because you
care about them??
It isn't love, it's friendship.

Do you tell them every day they are the
only one you think of??
It isn't love, it's a lie.

Are you willing to give all of your
favorite things for their sake??
It isn't love, it's charity.

Does your heart ache and break when
they're sad??
Then it's love.

Do you cry for their pain, even when
they're strong??
Then it's love.

Do their eyes see your true heart, and
touch your soul so deeply it hurts??
Then it's love.

Do you stay because a blinding,
incomprehensible mix of pain and
relation pulls you close and holds you
Then it's love.

Do you accept their faults because
they're a part of who they are??
Then it's love.

Would you give them your heart, your
life, your death??
Then it's love.

Now, if love is painful, and tortures
us so, why do we love? Why is it all we
search for in life? This pain, this
agony? Why is it all we long for?

This torture, this powerful death of
self? Why?

The answer is so simple cause
it's...LOVE. It is such an addictive
thing that even people who are not
having it wish to experience it and
share it with others as well.


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